
"Nothing can be redeemed unless it is embraced." -- St. Ambrose
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." -- Augustine

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Location: Chicago, United States

I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm chemical engineer from Kansas, married for 13 years to a Jewish New Yorker ("The Lady"), with 6 children: Pearl and Star, adopted from India; The Queen, adopted from Ethiopia; Judah, adopted from Texas; Little Town; and our youngest, Little Thrills. I have previously lived in Texas, California, India and Kuwait. The Lady also blogs at DISCLAIMER: I have no formal training in any subject other than chemical engineering.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014


 When we speak in tongues, we proclaim with our mouths (a part of our bodies) that there are things in this world which are true and meaningful even though they are beyond our comprehension. Tongues are not opposed to our mind, nor do they "bypass" our mind, rather they transcend ("go beyond") the limits of our mind. Tongues are a rebuke to the hubris of the Enlightenment, which claims that all of reality is within the grasp of human reason.


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