15 Things You Wish You Didn't Know About Me
1. I once returned a rental car because the cup holder did not fit my favorite coffee mug.
2. If there is a television on anywhere within my field of vision, I cannot help but to stare at it. It doesn't matter what is showing, or if it remotely interests me, or if I can't hear the sound, or if I'm trying to have a conversation with someone else - my eyes are drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
3. I had a very brief hip-hop career, consisting of 4 performances. The first one was in Compton, CA.
4. I have been drunk (and hungover) once in my life. It resulted from a night of smoking and drinking with a preacher and a missionary.
5. Although I'm from Kansas, I always pronounce the word "coffee" with a thick New York accent.
6. My sophomore year in college, I wrote a weekly opinion column for the school newspaper. I received nearly 200 pieces of hate mail (mostly email). A few of them were actually deserved.
7. I was fired from my first job after 6 weeks - by an assistant manager who was also a teenager.
8. I will still do almost anything for free food.
9. I watched the movie Spice World - with an entire house of guys who spent most evenings watching professional wrestling.
10. I hate chewing gum.
11. I have never purchased a television (and didn't even own one for 5 years).
12. The Lady and I like to joke about being polygamous. We decided that the plural of "spouse" is "speece."
13. In the past year I've seen only 3 movies and haven't been to a theater - but I continue to read several movie reviews every week.
14. There are few scenes more beautiful to me than wide-open spaces of ranchland.
15. I believe that coffee is a sacrament. I came to this conclusion in attempt to justify the amount of coffee spilled on myself, my clothes, my books, my cars, and our carpets - they have been baptized in coffee.
2. If there is a television on anywhere within my field of vision, I cannot help but to stare at it. It doesn't matter what is showing, or if it remotely interests me, or if I can't hear the sound, or if I'm trying to have a conversation with someone else - my eyes are drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
3. I had a very brief hip-hop career, consisting of 4 performances. The first one was in Compton, CA.
4. I have been drunk (and hungover) once in my life. It resulted from a night of smoking and drinking with a preacher and a missionary.
5. Although I'm from Kansas, I always pronounce the word "coffee" with a thick New York accent.
6. My sophomore year in college, I wrote a weekly opinion column for the school newspaper. I received nearly 200 pieces of hate mail (mostly email). A few of them were actually deserved.
7. I was fired from my first job after 6 weeks - by an assistant manager who was also a teenager.
8. I will still do almost anything for free food.
9. I watched the movie Spice World - with an entire house of guys who spent most evenings watching professional wrestling.
10. I hate chewing gum.
11. I have never purchased a television (and didn't even own one for 5 years).
12. The Lady and I like to joke about being polygamous. We decided that the plural of "spouse" is "speece."
13. In the past year I've seen only 3 movies and haven't been to a theater - but I continue to read several movie reviews every week.
14. There are few scenes more beautiful to me than wide-open spaces of ranchland.
15. I believe that coffee is a sacrament. I came to this conclusion in attempt to justify the amount of coffee spilled on myself, my clothes, my books, my cars, and our carpets - they have been baptized in coffee.
I have just re-discovered your blog and will now be chuckling all the rest of today. And Im not making that up.... you are just plain funny
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